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Senior Pastor & Founder

A native of Pascagoula, MS, Apostle King Brown is the mother of three sons, Dante, Rollen Jr. (present with the Lord), Joshua, and three beautiful granddaughters and three handsome grandsons.

      Apostle Letricia Brown gave her life to the Lord March 15, 1982 and God has proven the fruit of her labor. Chosen by God and called to the Five-Fold-Ministry in June 1983. Apostle has an awesome mantel of prophetic anointing, the fruit and gifts of the Spirit in operation, healing and deliverance ministry manifested. She has faithfully served in various capacities in ministry. She holds a Diploma in Executive Secretarial and Business Administration and has held a position as a school teacher in the Newport News, Virginia school district.

      She is the visionary and founder of Kingdom Ministries Church, which was birthed September 2000 and serves as Senior Pastor in Newport News Virginia.

       Apostle attended Apostolic International Theological University, Duluth Georgia where she received a Doctorate in Theology. Dr. Brown is the President of Kingdom International Theological University in Newport News, Virginia. In the fall of 2020 the newly released Kingdom Living Magazine was published. The unveiling of Kingdom Global Alliance Network (KGAL) was launched October 2021.

     Dr. Brown is also an entrepreneur, visionary and founder of Handmaidens of Excellence Ministry.  Apostle a published author of “The World of Four” Series (Children’s Book) and “Apostle’s Inspirational Quotes”. November 1, 2022. Apostle Brown signed a contract on her very first business venture “Le’She Boutique”.

     God had a greater vision with the birthing of K.I.N.G.D.O.M. International Ministries Inc., which serves as a covering and birthing of new ministries global. Kingdom Ministries Church, Newport News, VA, Ambassadors for Christ Worship Center, Petersburg, VA, Harvest Ministries, Waldorf, MD and Lifeline Outreach Deliverance Center, Philadelphia, PA.

     Apostle has traveled to Senegal West Africa, Mexico and the Bahamas as a missionary helping hurting hearts suffering and those who are without Christ. Her desire is to see the body of Christ come together in unity, maturity and grow in love.

     The scripture that truly portrays her life is found in Philippians 3:7-10. “All that I have attained: I count as loss; for the excellence of the knowledge of my Lord Jesus for whom, I have suffered the loss of all things;  and count them rubbish, that I may gain Christ; and found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law; but that which is through faith in Christ. That I might know Him, and the power resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed by His death.” Yet, I press on!  



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